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Different types of makeup brushes and how to use them

Brushes are makeup’s best friend!

Just like for painting, there are different brushes for different purposes, and learning the best way to use them will help you highlight your unique features.

Makeup brushes names


Every makeup product has a brush to go with. Blush, foundation, bronzer, eyeshadow, etc. are all products that call for a specific brush in terms of shape, width, and size. When used correctly, these brushes will deliver the desired effect.

Let's see what the names of all the brushes divided by face area are and then we'll see how to use them and some practical tips

For the face the most used are the following:
●    Foundation brush: round, flat, tapered, or kabuki style
●    Powder brush: angled for blush, round for bronzer, bigger for setting powder
●    Concealer brush 
●    Highlighter brush: round, fan-shaped 
●    Contour brush

For the eyes and brows the most common are:
●    Eyeshadow brush
●    Blending brush
●    Crease brush
●    Eyebrow brush
●    Eyeliner brush

For the Lips you will use:
●    Lipstick brush

Bristles differences:

Another distinction to make when talking about makeup brushes regards the bristles on each brush:
●    Natural: best for powder-based products
●    Synthetic: best for liquid and creamy products.

Different shapes

Another aspect of brushes we notice is the shape and size
●    round, 
●    angled, 
●    flat, 
●    thin, 
●    thick, 
●    short, 
●    long. 
These different shapes all have a specific purpose.

How to use makeup brushes

Before seeing the use of each specific brush, here are a few tips: before applying makeup, you need to make sure you have a clean surface to work on. 

Wash your face with a cleanser and follow with a toner, a serum, and a moisturizer. This last one is very important because it will provide a nice and smooth skin texture to work on.

Foundation brush

For more full coverage you will want to use a round flat-topped brush and just tap the foundation onto your skin. 
The same brush is perfect for medium coverage: instead of tapping it, apply the product to the face in circular motions

If what you want is a more natural look with a professional finish, you will want to use a flat brush.
Apply the product horizontally on the face and use the tip to reach smaller areas. If needed, a beauty sponge will give you a hand to make it light and even, just gently tsp it on your face.

Concealer brush

Concealer brushes usually are made of short, soft, and packed fibers. The concealer brush makes it easy to apply the product evenly and precisely.

Apply the concealer on the desired areas and proceed by gently tapping on it with the brush, this way you will achieve flawless coverage.

Contour brush

Since the purpose of contouring is to emphasize certain parts of the face, you will need a brush that doesn’t move the product from the designated areas, such as the jawline, cheekbones, and hairline. 

Blend it with a densely packed bristles brush by tapping on it or by sweeping from the inside to the outside.

Powder Brush

Different types of powders call for different tools!

When applying a setting powder you will want to use a bigger round shaped tool, like a kabuki brush.
After collecting the powder with the brush, you can blend it on your face with sweeping strokes from the inside of the face. You can also tap it on the face for a full coverage look.

An angled brush or an oval-shaped brush is a great option when you need to apply blush or bronzer since it will deliver the product to the precise area. 

If you want to exalt your cheekbones and the tip of your nose with a highlighter, you can trust the fan brush to get the job done nicely.
Fun Fact: Fan brushes are also perfect for removing any excess left by other powders.

One thing blush, bronzers, and highlighters have in common is the way we use the brushes to apply them. 
You will want to hold on to the brush almost at the end of the handle and sweep the product on from the outside to the inside with a gentle, non-harsh touch. This way you will obtain a soft and natural glowing look.

Eyeshadow brushes and more

When applying eyeshadow, it’s not enough to only use a flat brush. You will want to follow with a blending brush to create a nice smokey finish.
Start blending from the middle of the eyelid and continue going outwards and in the external eye crease.

You can then apply an eye pencil in the waterline, or you can blend out eyeshadow right below this area for a smokey effect with a pencil eye brush.

When the eyeshadow is set, you can use an eyeliner brush to apply the liner by drawing a thick or thin line starting at the inner corner of the eye and moving outward. 
This brush could also be used in the brow area to fill in by quickly drawing short lines. 

You will then continue with a spoolie brush to give your eyebrows the direction you prefer.
This brush also comes in handy when you want to comb your lashes or for applying mascara.

Lipstick brush

When it comes to the lips, we usually want to aim at precision! A flat and thin lip brush will help you outline the lips followed by an even and precise application of lipstick.

Start from the center of your mouth going outwards to cover all the desired areas!

Types of makeup brushes for beginners


The best way to learn to use brushes is to start off with a few and add more as you become more of an expert. 

Here’s our basic brush guide for newbies:

A flat foundation brush is a good way to start your journey, this precise brush will help you cover your whole face by allowing you to reach more small and edgy areas.

A fluffy Kabuki brush is a must when it comes to setting powders, whether pressed or loose since the shape will make sure you collect the right amount of product. 

For the application of blush, you will want to use an angled brush that will follow the shape of your cheekbone.

For the eyes, start out by using two types of brushes: a flat brush to apply eyeshadow, and a round brush to blend it out.

Once you have introduced the basic brushes into your beauty routine, it will be easy to learn and have fun with all the other makeup brushes!

Remember, your face is like a painter’s canvas, and with the right brushes you become the artist creating the masterpiece